Published at December 12, 2019 3:20 a.m.
Edited at December 12, 2019 4:02 a.m.



これはmohikanz TRPG Advent Calendar 2019 の10日目の記事です。








順位 名前 平均値 回数
1 nagashi_ma_w 5月 37.2 20
2 waku 5月 41.192 26
3 natsuo 11月 43.714 21
4 Curosiz 8月 44.310 29
5 DKondo 9月 44.381 76








順位 名前 平均値 回数
1 waku 10月 66.014 142
2 †漆黒の堕天使† 7月 60.9 20
3 DKondo 6月 59.276 65
4 Curosiz 10月 57.127 47
5 ruorua 5月 56.25 28


7月の†漆黒の堕天使† さん(以下冗長なので堕天使さん)の60超えも中々です。




順位 名前 クリティカル率 クリティカル回数
1 nagashi_ma_w 5月 20.0 4
2 waku 5月 11.538 3
3 脱脂綿 8月 11.111 6
3 waku 9月 11.111 2
5 †漆黒の堕天使† 5月 8.333 2
5 nagashi_ma_w 8月 8.333 14






順位 名前 平均値 回数
1 †漆黒の堕天使† 7月 10.0 2
2 ruorua 8月 8.988 8
3 waku 11月 8.620 5
4 Curosiz 10月 8.5106 4
5 †漆黒の堕天使† 5月 8.333 2






順位 名前 回数
1 morin 10月 255
2 nagashi_ma_w 9月 249
3 みや 11月 228
4 みや 10月 224
5 ruorua 9月 193









naoe total
avg: 51.04819277108434 total: 83
crit per: 4.819277108433735 total: 4
crit roll per: 4.0 total: 1
super crit per: 1.2048192771084338 total: 1
fumble per: 4.819277108433735 total: 4
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0





waku 2
[94, 100]
avg: 97.0 total: 2
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 50.0 total: 1
super fumble per: 50.0 total: 1

当時はまだオンラインセッションやroll botを使ったセッション自体が少なかったのですが……。





順位 名前 平均値 回数
1 natsuo 45.860 93
2 shiranuik 46.239 71
3 †漆黒の堕天使† 49.926 244
4 DKondo 50.023 521
5 脱脂綿 50.462 54





順位 名前 平均値 回数
1 waku 55.702 498
2 Curosiz 53.0 89
3 ruorua 52.464 635
4 nagashi_ma_w 51.484 857
5 morin 51.216 879




botの出来を疑うのですが、cc botだけじゃなくてroll botだけでも同じような値でした。


順位 名前 Sファンブル確率 回数
1 ruorua 1.574 10
2 みや 1.277 8
3 nagashi_ma_w 1.166 10
4 DKondo 1.151 6
5 waku 1.004 5
6 †漆黒の堕天使† 0.819 2
7 morin 0.796 7

お ま た せ





また、今回時間がかかった大きな原因として、cc botの仕様がコロコロかわっていて集計処理が大変面倒くさかった点があります。




迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
主人公チーム (CE6CV6HGV)
tmp_yoru_yakata (CE64A8CP5)
random (CE5GNPH60)
kp-seacret-1129 (CEHK0NTFG)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20190126-dice (CFQ3592DT)
20190103-secret (CF6RZ12UE)
20190103-talk (CF60GHY8P)
20190103-memo (CF5AKJW03)
20181220-talk-インセイン (CEY1466A1)
20181207-talk (CEPG80PAS)
20181129-talk (CEG2BDCBD)
20181122-talk (CE9D9CR7B)
20181118-talk (CE5RVBNRF)
2018年11月18日アイディア部屋 (CE6EZJT34)
20190223-vc (CGF93MVRT)
20190223-memo (CGEC387EV)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20190216kp (CG8S7DX3L)
20190216r-memo (CG89DLG2V)
20190216k-vc (CG9TVNPE3)
20190216r-vc (CG9TVJ8LX)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20190210 (CG291SCBA)
20190202 (CFVNWNH3K)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
random (CE5GNPH60)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20190309-talk (CGTGU43EF)
20190407-comm (CHAS7BA58)
20190407kp-natsuo (CHS4A4M1C)
20190526-深夜の突発卓 (CJZLYRCSG)
20190525-memo (CK274C7RC)
20190511-2 (CJSJVL729)
20190511-1 (CJNAYKY4E)
random (CE5GNPH60)
20190504m-memo (CJCB07ENR)
20190504r-memo (CJCAZHVV3)
20190503m-memo (CJCAXAVQV)
20190503k-memo (CJ0U0S491)
20190706-07_kp (CKQ2L4V0R)
20190623-pm-coc-memo (CKT2EA8SG
20190623-coc-memo (CKTCSRC3A)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20190616-memo (CK92B5TAN)
20190609-all (CKD19CEUC)
20190727r-令嬢_使用人 (CLW3HDYT0)
20190727r-小夜啼鳥 (CLMGWT2TB)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20190714-羅生門 (CLG2S8RLN)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20190707r-深夜 (CL6BJPU6Q)
20190706m-禁断の集会 (CL8GJ1G22)
20190707r-memo (CL5R0F1K6)
2019七夕卓 (CKW51N2QZ)
20190825m-予想外の結婚 (CMPG6K6GM)
20190824-環状密室 (CM9BTDZ42)
20190825-喫茶セラエノ (CMNQ65N4E)
20190817-キルビジ-kp-curosiz (CMH9S
20190817-その望みを抱いて (CMFE3TD8D)
20190812-サイコメイズ (CLXSY1EEP)
20190812-ゴリラ (CM2NEESN5)
20190811-ラズベリージャム (CMANS23EK)
20190811-カスタマイズラバー (CM8AZ0Q5S)
20190811-カスタマイズラバー-事前設定 (CM8QBQ
20190810-ピースメイカー (CM8G4TULV)
20190810-死人に口あり-なちゅお (CLX0P3EDR
20190810-死人に口あり-ながしー (CM8BB7JSH
sound-of-cthulhu (CM7TNM4H3)
voicetext-lab (CM8900B55)
20190809-ご飯 (CM3UZ2UAK)
20190804-エルズコール-talk (CM39Q8GAK
20190803-talk (CLPM00JCS)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
2019七夕卓 (CKW51N2QZ)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
random (CE5GNPH60)
20190929-不可侵領域 (CNXA0RSQ6)
20190929-鈴道神社 (CNG7Q349G)
20190927-愛を取り戻せ (CNT8G17J8)
20190925-蒼の森 (CNQLCRJ00)
20190923-崩落するシロ (CNMN0FTHB)
20190923-cthlhu-grand-order (CN
20190921-face (CNLG5T79T)
20190921_x2u_アイドルxマネージャー (CNE0V
20190921_pixivゴリラ (CNLC9SG48)
20190916-被害者の会 (CN1VCNERH)
lab3 (CNF2690P8)
lab2 (CNCRFR7KP)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20190915-この街大好き (CNEHM525V)
labs (CNCM21Z9T)
20190914_ジュリエット (CN5QZN0UR)
20190908-星へ至る棺 (CMT35MDHR)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20190901-知ラナイ家 (CMX5FRY9W)
20190901-らぶふぁんぶるぴーす (CMZ8Y8BF0)
20191027_電気羊は如何にして夢をみるか (CPUDYA
20191026-観覧席 (CPFJBN5SN)
20191026-コードメイカー-curosizみや (CPL
20191026-ホテル黄昏館にて (CPTM7UW1J)
random (CE5GNPH60)
20191020-見果ての綸紡-part2 (CPDEGD3A
20191014_白物語_その1 (CPBPDQFE1)
20191013-見果ての綸紡 (CNYPH8A82)
20191012-生命の知識 (CPB39MRA4)
news (CP68MHCHK)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20191006-悪霊の家-ハードモード (CNWU3GAC9
20191006-神明鏡 (CP2PB571S)
labs (CNCM21Z9T)
20191005-密室シェアハウス (CP2GB19FE)
20191005-毒入りスープ (CP2USDGGG)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20191005_dlma (CNRBLM3M1)
20191130-x2u_怪盗探偵 (CQWHF43CH)
20191128-小夜啼鳥 (CQQ4H2C6N)
20191128-ティンダロスのイッヌ (CR4GEB423)
20191126-ちいさくうつるもの (CQZEXBPMW)
labs (CNCM21Z9T)
20191124-lifegoeson (CQP3B8PNV)
20191123-落園 (CQYQGLW5U)
20191123-ドッペルさん-a (CQYKSGH70)
20191123-ドッペルさん (CQT8DJJE4)
20191116-ピースメイカー (CQLNX3KGU)
news (CP68MHCHK)
20191117-かわらぬ挨拶 (CQLDX1W72)
20190810-ピースメイカー (CM8G4TULV)
20191116-星辰正しき後 (CQJG5QA7J)
2019秋の合宿kp部屋 (CQJ295K0F)
ruoruaの部屋 (CPW8QGUF3)
general (CE5JNKPEF)
20191104-曖昧な食卓 (CQ42VHK9B)
20191103-死人に口あり-みや (CPQQDTQ3U)
20191103-舞い堕ちる黒焔 (CQ5AEFQNT)
20191103_〇〇色の乙女は夢想う (CQ3EEQ0UD)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
random (CE5GNPH60)
20191101_3連休突入卓 (CQ1K5KM4L)
20191210_朝は一杯の珈琲を (CR8UVMEQZ)
20191208-星間逃避行 (CREE3C14Y)
20191208-ツリノオマツリ (CRE68NPK2)
20191207-魔法少女イミテーション (CRDV9BYDT
20191205-星へ至る棺 (CQZGVV127)
random (CE5GNPH60)
sound-of-cthulhu (CM7TNM4H3)
20191201-好きですゆうまさん (CR52VA2L8)
ruoruaの部屋 (CPW8QGUF3)
迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)
20191201-影法師の街 (CQS5RB6BU)

みや 1

みや 2

みや 3

みや 4

みや 5

みや 6

みや 7

みや 8

みや 9
[29, 68, 40, 28, 39, 76, 46, 51, 15, 54, 15, 21, 19, 68, 87, 71, 62, 28, 28, 39, 26, 10, 54, 31, 66, 24, 2, 79, 91, 59, 21, 46, 48, 49, 71, 84, 69, 76, 82, 85, 26, 83, 23, 57]
avg: 48.77272727272727 total: 44
crit per: 2.272727272727273 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

みや 10
[11, 67, 41, 48, 24, 22, 47, 69, 36, 65, 97, 33, 64, 45, 86, 41, 99, 100, 91, 31, 53, 17, 12, 38, 28, 69, 80, 58, 96, 8, 9, 51, 65, 38, 86, 97, 54, 37, 28, 18, 80, 30, 2, 29, 4, 34, 58, 87, 90, 24, 77, 71, 19, 39, 59, 47, 15, 47, 37, 54, 72, 56, 74, 68, 92, 89, 51, 39, 50, 29, 71, 97, 73, 17, 47, 30, 66, 71, 54, 32, 3, 1, 77, 32, 41, 85, 100, 64, 14, 30, 50, 70, 70, 88, 59, 94, 18, 57, 5, 45, 12, 89, 59, 35, 33, 56, 33, 74, 66, 26, 68, 13, 26, 13, 64, 91, 51, 58, 80, 58, 92, 62, 83, 77, 46, 51, 93, 4, 77, 45, 25, 54, 30, 56, 42, 9, 77, 32, 7, 47, 20, 44, 98, 13, 65, 13, 90, 13, 32, 54, 88, 81, 57, 14, 18, 12, 72, 56, 54, 10, 77, 70, 1, 55, 62, 28, 82, 26, 72, 80, 18, 18, 70, 5, 27, 36, 61, 59, 19, 45, 63, 74, 77, 89, 13, 64, 22, 63, 86, 67, 28, 13, 17, 52, 3, 46, 71, 96, 52, 9, 37, 63, 62, 76, 60, 93, 28, 98, 73, 27, 97, 70, 59, 35, 6, 42, 13]
[71, 85, 58, 82, 80, 54, 99]
avg: 51.09375 total: 224
crit per: 4.017857142857143 total: 9
crit roll per: 4.147465437788019 total: 9
super crit per: 0.8928571428571428 total: 2
super crit roll per: 0.9216589861751152 total: 2
fumble per: 5.357142857142857 total: 12
fumble roll per: 5.0691244239631335 total: 11
super fumble per: 0.8928571428571428 total: 2
super fumble roll per: 0.9216589861751152 total: 2

みや 11
[78, 27, 61, 6, 7, 41, 95, 9, 11, 74, 98, 91, 10, 18, 1, 15, 16, 91, 28, 56, 75, 84, 67, 79, 32, 78, 58, 72, 36, 24, 36, 56, 70, 74, 34, 34, 37, 52, 93, 16, 61, 69, 90, 41, 60, 18, 26, 2, 13, 85, 11, 90, 46, 70, 71, 83, 46, 51, 87, 73, 44, 59, 43, 75, 23, 63, 1, 95, 52, 14, 1, 45, 78, 59, 42, 61, 79, 87, 95, 56, 6, 43, 86, 20, 83, 24, 64, 74, 13, 100, 89, 80, 47, 65, 57, 80, 85, 66, 38, 49, 52, 58, 26, 44, 45, 40, 60, 66, 71, 39, 20, 79, 71, 64, 6, 70, 74, 50, 20, 34, 81, 85, 43, 23, 95, 64, 36, 41, 1, 9, 10, 76, 11, 69, 48, 98, 100, 36, 93, 5, 55, 6, 71, 3, 53, 93, 18, 46, 56, 80, 54, 6, 61, 36, 100, 10, 77, 18, 71, 85, 89, 7, 31, 88, 6, 25, 85, 61, 5, 77, 86, 97, 24, 31, 58, 30, 29, 70, 25, 36, 11, 99, 79, 4, 25, 10, 66, 45, 53, 97, 91, 3, 44, 24, 97, 95, 7, 89, 85, 26, 48, 10, 12, 87, 68, 9, 90, 19, 51, 48, 17, 19, 41, 48, 28, 83, 62, 99]
[53, 83, 96, 84, 12, 13, 2, 68, 43, 68]
avg: 51.12719298245614 total: 228
crit per: 4.824561403508771 total: 11
crit roll per: 4.587155963302752 total: 10
super crit per: 1.7543859649122806 total: 4
super crit roll per: 1.834862385321101 total: 4
fumble per: 4.824561403508771 total: 11
fumble roll per: 4.587155963302752 total: 10
super fumble per: 1.3157894736842104 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 1.3761467889908259 total: 3

みや 12
[7, 43, 1, 58, 41, 100, 17, 45, 89, 14, 43, 28, 52, 29, 78, 98, 34, 77, 79, 46, 76, 2, 80, 15, 49, 7, 44, 71, 45, 67, 83, 50, 53, 77, 80, 28, 76, 56, 35, 98, 3, 57, 6, 72, 51, 83, 73, 88, 27, 81, 46, 52, 91, 54, 37, 77, 61, 43, 12, 24, 80, 78, 27, 80, 67, 42, 92, 40, 83, 20, 17, 74, 64, 13, 19, 100, 54, 51, 84, 72, 89, 91, 12, 2, 35, 48, 4, 7, 53, 93, 14, 49, 74, 97, 24, 99]
[30, 100, 98, 57, 78, 21, 86, 7, 40, 95, 98, 62, 11, 61, 33, 59, 53, 94, 91, 53, 12, 9, 88, 38, 33, 27, 41, 24, 3, 13, 19, 80, 68, 33]
avg: 52.09230769230769 total: 130
crit per: 4.615384615384616 total: 6
crit roll per: 5.208333333333334 total: 5
super crit per: 0.7692307692307693 total: 1
super crit roll per: 1.0416666666666665 total: 1
fumble per: 6.923076923076923 total: 9
fumble roll per: 6.25 total: 6
super fumble per: 2.307692307692308 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 2.083333333333333 total: 2

みや total
avg: 51.150159744408946 total: 626
crit per: 4.313099041533546 total: 27
crit roll per: 5.208333333333334 total: 24
super crit per: 1.1182108626198082 total: 7
super crit roll per: 1.0416666666666665 total: 7
fumble per: 5.111821086261981 total: 32
fumble roll per: 6.25 total: 27
super fumble per: 1.2779552715654952 total: 8
super fumble roll per: 2.083333333333333 total: 7

morin 1
[14, 58, 57, 75, 99, 29, 59, 87, 30, 66, 42]
avg: 56.0 total: 11
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 9.090909090909092 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 2

morin 3
avg: 53.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 4
avg: 55.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 5
[2, 68, 32, 83, 60, 19, 37, 65, 73, 10, 14, 13, 26, 30]
avg: 38.0 total: 14
crit per: 7.142857142857142 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 6
[17, 100, 16, 47, 30, 37, 93, 69, 3, 3, 39]
avg: 41.27272727272727 total: 11
crit per: 18.181818181818183 total: 2
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 9.090909090909092 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 9.090909090909092 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 7
[38, 65, 9, 50, 72, 1, 11, 92, 57, 89, 9, 89, 51, 96, 80, 77, 49, 70, 63, 78, 25, 50]
avg: 55.5 total: 22
crit per: 4.545454545454546 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 4.545454545454546 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 4.545454545454546 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 8
[80, 25, 21, 91, 60, 81, 68, 98, 64, 17, 46, 32, 80, 39, 13, 51, 50, 15, 34, 79, 1, 25, 88, 13, 16, 86, 63, 47, 82, 61, 41, 4, 79, 14, 23, 37, 82, 86, 97, 36, 46, 19, 28, 52, 39, 46, 42, 100, 47, 99, 26, 12, 69, 15, 36, 90, 53, 5, 27, 15, 6, 46, 74, 33, 5, 81, 31, 55, 1, 60, 76, 11, 71, 61, 43, 32, 67, 61, 62, 31, 51, 22, 15, 14, 97, 93, 78, 53, 93, 71, 61, 19, 91, 39, 8, 87, 77, 20, 37, 90, 48, 30, 45, 6, 90, 96, 9, 30, 48, 95, 79, 10, 83, 45, 70, 10, 31, 86, 39, 55, 98, 88, 7, 66, 88, 6, 77, 18, 12, 5, 13, 85, 82, 29, 73, 89, 71, 92, 95, 19, 9, 71, 30, 58, 5, 75, 98, 96, 53, 66, 21, 88, 41, 94, 87, 65, 89, 34, 65]
avg: 51.42767295597484 total: 159
crit per: 4.40251572327044 total: 7
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.257861635220126 total: 2
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.660377358490567 total: 9
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.628930817610063 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 9
[26, 57, 99, 88, 14, 82, 98, 40, 20, 27, 22, 29, 23, 32, 87, 49, 77, 94, 28, 92, 73, 4, 52, 93, 15, 89, 27, 24, 55, 66, 65, 43, 68, 25, 63, 2, 68, 91, 96, 86, 21, 81, 59, 76, 79, 43, 97, 67, 50, 14, 32, 18, 2, 38, 13, 31, 67, 85, 70, 88, 95, 62, 14, 53, 51, 21, 83, 49, 8, 35, 85, 17, 100, 94, 40, 32, 69, 44, 5, 53, 30, 89, 25, 100, 28, 70, 94, 1, 76, 91, 55, 60, 18, 43, 54, 62, 73, 19, 60, 47, 71, 49, 67, 81, 41, 5, 18, 25, 44, 54, 72, 48, 2]
avg: 52.230088495575224 total: 113
crit per: 6.1946902654867255 total: 7
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.8849557522123894 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.3097345132743365 total: 6
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 1.7699115044247788 total: 2
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

morin 10
[25, 92, 14, 70, 88, 64, 71, 25, 48, 63, 11, 23, 21, 58, 9, 37, 31, 5, 21, 30, 81, 13, 41, 66, 5, 24, 61, 18, 63, 44, 19, 52, 51, 17, 77, 95, 70, 52, 43, 3, 20, 62, 18, 25, 16, 52, 46, 99, 17, 65, 83, 5, 11, 56, 92, 86, 43, 81, 20, 32, 15, 11, 95, 98, 38, 60, 80, 25, 63, 54, 81, 55, 84, 64, 2, 74, 72, 26, 68, 51, 46, 18, 96, 55, 37, 1, 64, 36, 18, 6, 84, 75, 34, 10, 75, 56, 26, 68, 48, 32, 79, 44, 78, 64, 43, 58, 86, 61, 35, 97, 28, 72, 5, 17, 79, 81, 51, 81, 7, 19, 85, 94, 82, 57, 44, 10, 42, 85, 9, 91, 39, 47, 59, 74, 15, 75, 96, 4, 25, 20, 39, 45, 63, 68, 65, 39, 43, 56, 70, 4, 4, 77, 94, 79, 86, 30, 90, 39, 82, 66, 74, 83, 42, 80, 29, 14, 16, 44, 97, 60, 25, 51, 78, 33, 81, 63, 66, 38, 44, 13, 10, 8, 99, 93, 37, 11, 54, 38, 65, 88, 63, 34, 39, 56, 28, 93, 22, 71, 43, 41, 52, 62, 89, 64, 16, 38, 76, 75, 38, 89, 22, 7, 62, 68]
[33, 36, 12, 46, 36, 472, 97, 66, 76, 5, 37, 54, 69, 61, 40, 6, 14, 37, 99, 10, 65, 71, 88, 3, 96, 49, 27, 85, 29, 38, 61, 73, 71, 46, 89, 47, 9, 22, 65, 61, 49]
avg: 51.529411764705884 total: 255
crit per: 4.705882352941177 total: 12
crit roll per: 4.672897196261682 total: 10
super crit per: 0.39215686274509803 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.46728971962616817 total: 1
fumble per: 4.313725490196078 total: 11
fumble roll per: 3.2710280373831773 total: 7
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

morin 11
[28, 37, 78, 74, 16, 71, 71, 78, 2, 61, 95, 59, 55, 77, 74, 57, 83, 49, 10, 45, 57, 87, 23, 12, 67, 100, 7, 49, 74, 22, 49, 49, 30, 96, 59, 12, 61, 47, 66, 18, 15, 8, 54, 1, 61, 3, 89, 28, 94, 28, 60, 59, 65, 63, 62, 66, 89, 30, 14, 26, 39, 98, 51, 76, 19, 4, 20, 49, 84, 67, 80, 44, 7, 7, 34, 47, 10, 53, 84, 65, 58, 73, 65, 6, 43, 26, 29, 18, 97, 82, 7, 44, 51, 54, 15, 74, 27, 88, 93, 63, 60, 56, 23, 47, 47, 29, 5, 69, 86, 64, 68, 35, 69, 31, 41, 29, 15, 63, 97, 12, 11, 12, 38, 73, 74, 66, 97, 17, 30, 69, 45, 100, 3, 87, 29, 50, 1, 80, 32, 92, 75, 70]
[100, 54, 40, 35, 13, 94, 26, 17, 42, 98, 86, 66, 24, 58, 56, 79, 45, 4, 14, 88, 94, 57, 58, 33, 1, 92]
avg: 50.25 total: 168
crit per: 5.357142857142857 total: 9
crit roll per: 4.929577464788732 total: 7
super crit per: 1.7857142857142856 total: 3
super crit roll per: 1.4084507042253522 total: 2
fumble per: 5.357142857142857 total: 9
fumble roll per: 4.929577464788732 total: 7
super fumble per: 1.7857142857142856 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 1.4084507042253522 total: 2

morin 12
[7, 60, 48, 7, 89, 32, 42, 56, 69, 13, 29, 75, 68, 18, 48, 93, 79, 35, 23, 34, 44, 77, 72, 63, 68, 90, 76, 94, 97, 43, 28, 3, 5, 98, 24, 13, 66, 19, 68, 19, 58, 3, 15, 67, 33, 82, 97, 37, 86, 18, 18, 2, 90, 94, 56, 1, 59, 53, 15, 30, 47, 72, 68, 51, 11, 45, 32, 50, 51, 77, 32, 24, 4, 94, 43, 68, 87, 69, 12, 10, 83, 63, 85, 62, 58, 65, 94, 87, 57, 97, 74, 96, 43, 14, 20, 85, 6, 25, 90, 70, 88, 41, 14, 80, 65, 68, 55, 14, 25]
[30, 52, 61, 55, 33, 77, 75, 81, 59, 6, 67, 14, 98, 48, 94]
avg: 51.83064516129032 total: 124
crit per: 4.838709677419355 total: 6
crit roll per: 5.5045871559633035 total: 6
super crit per: 0.8064516129032258 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.9174311926605505 total: 1
fumble per: 4.838709677419355 total: 6
fumble roll per: 4.587155963302752 total: 5
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

morin total
avg: 51.21615472127417 total: 879
crit per: 5.1194539249146755 total: 45
crit roll per: 5.5045871559633035 total: 23
super crit per: 1.023890784982935 total: 9
super crit roll per: 0.9174311926605505 total: 4
fumble per: 5.005688282138794 total: 44
fumble roll per: 4.587155963302752 total: 19
super fumble per: 0.7963594994311717 total: 7
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 2

nagashi_ma_w 1

nagashi_ma_w 2

nagashi_ma_w 3

nagashi_ma_w 4

nagashi_ma_w 5
[52, 23, 66, 22, 23, 43, 90, 49, 38, 34, 96, 15, 1, 23, 4, 70, 10, 4, 79, 2]
avg: 37.2 total: 20
crit per: 20.0 total: 4
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 5.0 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.0 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

nagashi_ma_w 6

nagashi_ma_w 7
[9, 5, 87, 21, 34, 67, 40, 16, 50, 40, 33, 96, 59, 87, 57, 52, 65, 95, 9, 1, 24, 89, 77, 49, 5, 95, 14, 52, 49, 58, 17, 28, 61, 25, 10, 56, 25, 32, 71, 72, 98, 92, 92, 71, 57, 19, 29, 23, 29, 3]
avg: 46.9 total: 50
crit per: 8.0 total: 4
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 2.0 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 4.0 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

nagashi_ma_w 8
[5, 41, 64, 39, 5, 72, 9, 40, 90, 1, 15, 24, 96, 30, 48, 25, 67, 32, 92, 1, 84, 4, 38, 37, 4, 47, 90, 58, 34, 47, 50, 32, 66, 25, 83, 51, 60, 61, 21, 40, 67, 18, 41, 51, 76, 19, 98, 37, 36, 85, 68, 49, 98, 49, 57, 74, 6, 91, 28, 82, 39, 1, 85, 41, 24, 54, 18, 1, 91, 9, 64, 26, 86, 2, 77, 51, 72, 42, 12, 99, 57, 42, 30, 30, 70, 1, 45, 40, 99, 13, 45, 75, 80, 68, 5, 14, 44, 88, 96, 31, 93, 42, 81, 10, 12, 86, 37, 43, 73, 60, 85, 49, 97, 4, 66, 78, 46, 45, 69, 3, 2, 22, 77, 44, 36, 32, 83, 56, 52, 75, 82, 64, 95, 51, 94, 71, 32, 37, 89, 83, 32, 26, 67, 81, 47, 67, 60, 71, 6, 30, 61, 78, 52, 58, 91, 97, 86, 64, 58, 47, 83, 30, 76, 27, 89, 97, 75, 21]
avg: 51.535714285714285 total: 168
crit per: 8.333333333333332 total: 14
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 2.976190476190476 total: 5
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.357142857142857 total: 9
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

nagashi_ma_w 9
[31, 68, 48, 75, 79, 99, 54, 81, 88, 65, 44, 82, 86, 49, 23, 98, 88, 49, 78, 7, 58, 79, 51, 35, 41, 22, 27, 84, 31, 68, 16, 3, 8, 99, 26, 80, 86, 26, 15, 45, 70, 16, 48, 67, 59, 81, 87, 19, 28, 81, 43, 33, 24, 68, 95, 6, 63, 72, 47, 90, 57, 100, 96, 56, 10, 71, 41, 21, 99, 12, 68, 21, 24, 12, 24, 37, 80, 72, 67, 98, 44, 64, 81, 38, 42, 48, 76, 21, 50, 13, 27, 28, 89, 100, 49, 93, 98, 83, 75, 46, 95, 43, 66, 36, 19, 31, 23, 93, 77, 61, 30, 35, 87, 8, 70, 32, 86, 5, 85, 73, 73, 67, 89, 68, 17, 92, 93, 100, 18, 61, 37, 14, 38, 95, 49, 43, 14, 18, 74, 70, 4, 51, 69, 47, 66, 53, 56, 95, 3, 37, 59, 88, 63, 82, 15, 12, 46, 53, 64, 67, 86, 91, 86, 79, 73, 14, 25, 82, 60, 76, 60, 29, 96, 40, 39, 68, 31, 65, 56, 61, 100, 15, 22, 16, 82, 81, 16, 82, 31, 69, 84, 58, 15, 56, 95, 20, 12, 64, 36, 75, 44, 25, 67, 72, 70, 26, 30, 37, 77, 27, 30, 82, 49, 4, 6, 84, 10, 73, 12, 5, 83, 86, 36, 18, 88, 13, 32, 34, 26, 85, 97, 21, 27, 72, 8, 98, 75, 73, 77, 50, 57, 20, 50, 39, 95, 5, 44, 99, 48]
avg: 53.68273092369478 total: 249
crit per: 2.8112449799196786 total: 7
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 6.024096385542169 total: 15
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 1.6064257028112447 total: 4
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

nagashi_ma_w 10
[76, 26, 92, 89, 36, 90, 97, 31, 69, 44, 6, 59, 77, 93, 20, 96, 80, 40, 34, 18, 53, 83, 20, 53, 82, 78, 83, 74, 6, 50, 28, 12, 56, 67, 3, 4, 97, 19, 60, 23, 6, 15, 44, 94, 60, 96, 47, 93, 55, 28, 58, 83, 6, 80, 72, 37, 99, 98, 92, 37, 26, 87, 87, 14, 61, 19, 96, 83, 2, 96, 19, 21, 52, 81, 25, 62, 18, 8, 70, 24, 61, 54, 97, 40, 29, 22, 70, 79, 1, 61, 17, 35, 11, 73, 45, 19, 3, 19, 55, 38, 80, 19, 49]
[60, 39, 82, 10, 17, 88, 46, 17, 95, 40, 26, 76, 57, 55, 28, 6, 5, 54, 73, 2, 92, 44, 95, 26, 9, 92, 31, 91, 19, 22, 38, 25, 89, 95, 3, 12, 19, 98, 48, 56]
avg: 49.87412587412587 total: 143
crit per: 5.594405594405594 total: 8
crit roll per: 4.854368932038835 total: 5
super crit per: 0.6993006993006993 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.9708737864077669 total: 1
fumble per: 6.993006993006993 total: 10
fumble roll per: 8.737864077669903 total: 9
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

nagashi_ma_w 11
[48, 62, 35, 67, 38, 3, 53, 13, 46, 71, 29, 71, 13, 5, 30, 37, 87, 82, 93, 59, 43, 27, 43, 3, 1, 73, 76, 70, 77, 25, 6, 38, 30, 100, 35, 89, 30, 94, 20, 9, 56, 90, 24, 43, 100, 95, 33, 20, 2, 97, 90, 14, 76, 3, 46, 5, 100, 85, 15, 41, 95, 86, 18, 61, 72, 88, 2, 20, 5, 94, 1, 89, 75, 47, 39, 68, 47, 80, 41, 62, 8, 60, 90, 93, 93, 94, 44, 69, 35, 50, 82, 3, 27, 17, 35, 12, 87, 95, 76, 68, 45, 81, 57, 26, 58, 13, 63, 62, 99, 75, 16, 87, 10, 32, 28, 36, 48]
[83, 59, 11, 60, 42, 92, 96, 76, 14, 46, 91, 98, 90, 64, 56, 14, 46, 42, 64]
avg: 52.01470588235294 total: 136
crit per: 8.088235294117647 total: 11
crit roll per: 9.401709401709402 total: 11
super crit per: 1.4705882352941175 total: 2
super crit roll per: 1.7094017094017095 total: 2
fumble per: 5.147058823529411 total: 7
fumble roll per: 4.273504273504273 total: 5
super fumble per: 2.2058823529411766 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 2.564102564102564 total: 3

nagashi_ma_w 12
[84, 64, 67, 5, 26, 85, 95, 49, 71, 32, 73, 46, 15, 98, 100, 18, 53, 74, 66, 45, 85, 18, 42, 74, 89, 88, 51, 10, 43, 17, 73, 82, 57, 55, 21, 77, 74, 2, 100, 67, 81, 42, 77, 14, 18, 78, 92, 18, 17, 78, 75, 91, 41, 34, 11, 75, 98, 44, 43, 86, 26, 18, 13, 39, 46, 76, 34, 96, 17, 74, 14, 27, 25, 1, 12, 21, 26, 7, 100]
[38, 74, 81, 85, 77, 53, 43, 60, 1, 84, 49, 81]
avg: 52.76923076923077 total: 91
crit per: 4.395604395604396 total: 4
crit roll per: 3.79746835443038 total: 3
super crit per: 2.197802197802198 total: 2
super crit roll per: 1.2658227848101267 total: 1
fumble per: 6.593406593406594 total: 6
fumble roll per: 7.59493670886076 total: 6
super fumble per: 3.296703296703297 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 3.79746835443038 total: 3

nagashi_ma_w total
avg: 51.48424737456243 total: 857
crit per: 6.0676779463243875 total: 52
crit roll per: 3.79746835443038 total: 19
super crit per: 1.4002333722287048 total: 12
super crit roll per: 1.2658227848101267 total: 4
fumble per: 5.834305717619603 total: 50
fumble roll per: 7.59493670886076 total: 20
super fumble per: 1.1668611435239207 total: 10
super fumble roll per: 3.79746835443038 total: 6

waku 1

waku 2
[94, 100]
avg: 97.0 total: 2
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 50.0 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 50.0 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 3

waku 4

waku 5
[82, 85, 28, 71, 57, 55, 10, 14, 9, 46, 49, 59, 1, 30, 9, 90, 2, 86, 5, 70, 40, 6, 60, 50, 50, 7]
avg: 41.19230769230769 total: 26
crit per: 11.538461538461538 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 3.8461538461538463 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 6
[51, 70, 55, 38, 21, 70, 62, 41, 39, 41, 45, 18, 76, 36, 98, 92, 28, 80, 90, 50, 90, 93, 28, 33, 83, 52, 42, 41, 36, 11, 98, 52, 87, 98, 89, 56, 63, 26, 31, 56, 31, 66, 21, 23, 45, 5, 73, 69, 50, 91, 19]
avg: 54.09803921568628 total: 51
crit per: 1.9607843137254901 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.88235294117647 total: 3
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 7
[31, 69, 90, 8, 86, 67, 68, 85, 59, 71, 88, 64, 1, 59, 22, 34, 68, 69, 56, 80, 75, 64, 68, 17, 89, 90, 15, 15, 63, 12, 97, 54, 83, 48, 60, 36, 30, 16, 13, 90, 48]
avg: 55.073170731707314 total: 41
crit per: 2.4390243902439024 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 2.4390243902439024 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 2.4390243902439024 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 8
[30, 40, 53, 94, 34, 69, 18, 51, 24, 26, 75, 35, 62, 72, 70, 20, 48, 48, 82, 32, 27, 1, 18, 18, 76, 51, 54, 29, 11, 85, 30, 7, 21, 22, 65, 15, 93, 50, 26, 97, 10, 60, 97, 85, 79, 16, 45, 79, 94, 18, 73, 17, 91, 17, 30, 31, 49, 83, 60, 31, 82, 35, 66, 11, 29, 22, 95, 74, 83, 24, 76, 85, 24, 99, 65, 75, 29, 20, 81, 2, 3]
avg: 48.44444444444444 total: 81
crit per: 3.7037037037037033 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.2345679012345678 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.7037037037037033 total: 3
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 9
[6, 25, 2, 29, 55, 16, 79, 69, 13, 31, 91, 75, 77, 55, 4, 60, 71, 82]
avg: 46.666666666666664 total: 18
crit per: 11.11111111111111 total: 2
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

waku 10
[29, 81, 36, 100, 21, 16, 18, 82, 76, 83, 63, 78, 99, 16, 36, 14, 93, 79, 12, 82, 18, 88, 48, 83, 30, 81, 24, 28, 98, 55, 24, 5, 36, 13, 8, 11, 3, 74, 80, 43, 65, 39, 34, 62, 99, 7, 36, 5, 35, 80, 55, 33, 95, 34, 99, 9, 70, 33, 48, 61, 97, 48, 15, 46, 10, 80, 74, 81, 28, 27, 20, 17, 49, 65, 24, 52, 79, 66, 65, 63, 65, 13, 47, 27, 12, 74, 80, 10, 3, 50, 80, 6, 85, 4, 58, 10, 95, 48, 6, 13, 18, 54, 82, 85, 20, 98, 28, 73, 94, 60, 68, 46, 82, 3, 49, 79, 100, 1, 19, 9, 36, 19, 92, 40, 96, 8, 30]
[61, 26, 73, 2508, 50, 91, 54, 67, 8, 48, 11, 52, 74, 97, 10]
avg: 66.01408450704226 total: 142
crit per: 4.929577464788732 total: 7
crit roll per: 5.511811023622047 total: 7
super crit per: 0.7042253521126761 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.7874015748031495 total: 1
fumble per: 7.746478873239436 total: 11
fumble roll per: 7.086614173228346 total: 9
super fumble per: 1.4084507042253522 total: 2
super fumble roll per: 1.574803149606299 total: 2

waku 11
[25, 62, 81, 25, 36, 3, 34, 61, 39, 55, 29, 82, 93, 5, 38, 97, 50, 72, 60, 55, 17, 99, 88, 29, 100, 43, 43, 73, 40, 45, 67, 66, 92, 10, 49, 56, 82, 19, 73, 100, 4, 72, 78, 92, 51, 97, 73, 94, 35, 6, 20, 27, 46, 23, 24, 50, 2, 38]
avg: 52.1551724137931 total: 58
crit per: 6.896551724137931 total: 4
crit roll per: 6.896551724137931 total: 4
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 8.620689655172415 total: 5
fumble roll per: 8.620689655172415 total: 5
super fumble per: 3.4482758620689653 total: 2
super fumble roll per: 3.4482758620689653 total: 2

waku 12
[22, 96, 34, 80, 50, 48, 10, 88, 76, 6, 19, 87, 98, 7, 28, 33, 74, 37, 99, 99, 98, 90, 18, 67, 75, 68, 96, 72, 78, 48, 85, 19, 36, 37, 40, 7, 79, 45, 83, 79, 10, 23, 36, 93, 6, 30, 25, 91, 55, 56, 94, 67, 25, 55, 78, 1, 86, 10, 92, 10, 65, 27, 48, 32, 43, 90, 93, 40, 47, 54]
[52, 88, 88, 60, 18, 92, 66, 30, 8]
avg: 54.36708860759494 total: 79
crit per: 1.2658227848101267 total: 1
crit roll per: 1.4285714285714286 total: 1
super crit per: 1.2658227848101267 total: 1
super crit roll per: 1.4285714285714286 total: 1
fumble per: 7.59493670886076 total: 6
fumble roll per: 8.571428571428571 total: 6
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

waku total
avg: 55.70281124497992 total: 498
crit per: 4.417670682730924 total: 22
crit roll per: 1.4285714285714286 total: 12
super crit per: 1.0040160642570282 total: 5
super crit roll per: 1.4285714285714286 total: 2
fumble per: 6.024096385542169 total: 30
fumble roll per: 8.571428571428571 total: 20
super fumble per: 1.0040160642570282 total: 5
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 4

ruorua 1

ruorua 2
avg: 55.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

ruorua 3

ruorua 4

ruorua 5
[67, 56, 80, 32, 59, 2, 93, 69, 35, 64, 79, 54, 10, 99, 53, 51, 76, 32, 77, 13, 62, 12, 57, 61, 57, 95, 78, 52]
avg: 56.25 total: 28
crit per: 3.571428571428571 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.571428571428571 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

ruorua 6

ruorua 7
[79, 71, 100, 93, 47, 10, 26, 29, 92, 20, 23, 22, 21, 84, 61, 69, 22, 95, 61]
avg: 53.94736842105263 total: 19
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

ruorua 8
[49, 28, 39, 94, 27, 9, 87, 60, 2, 68, 14, 21, 96, 42, 38, 2, 70, 76, 49, 81, 46, 40, 3, 21, 39, 96, 53, 92, 84, 48, 100, 49, 29, 75, 96, 90, 64, 20, 96, 1, 86, 91, 23, 95, 98, 58, 92, 31, 65, 84, 34, 85, 88, 95, 94, 44, 24, 56, 41, 22, 65, 47, 29, 79, 82, 94, 78, 11, 5, 20, 15, 13, 36, 8, 78, 70, 99, 18, 19, 66, 98, 76, 88, 20, 5, 62, 12, 22, 95]
avg: 54.04494382022472 total: 89
crit per: 6.741573033707865 total: 6
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.1235955056179776 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 8.98876404494382 total: 8
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 1.1235955056179776 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

ruorua 9
[89, 57, 44, 81, 88, 94, 37, 84, 72, 51, 90, 34, 97, 50, 5, 12, 66, 35, 29, 91, 62, 100, 63, 41, 56, 46, 88, 12, 62, 35, 7, 7, 53, 59, 3, 8, 74, 10, 97, 76, 95, 28, 86, 41, 87, 83, 58, 80, 12, 89, 27, 1, 26, 75, 92, 79, 87, 12, 69, 62, 6, 11, 14, 80, 11, 43, 43, 13, 85, 7, 16, 35, 84, 96, 95, 59, 38, 2, 41, 40, 28, 27, 38, 74, 62, 8, 89, 9, 81, 55, 51, 100, 48, 73, 81, 78, 96, 52, 60, 51, 43, 35, 11, 85, 81, 59, 7, 11, 73, 56, 91, 46, 46, 3, 22, 54, 24, 85, 71, 80, 88, 74, 11, 35, 15, 2, 49, 65, 49, 42, 89, 83, 100, 3, 43, 12, 32, 7, 59, 8, 41, 64, 32, 92, 63, 97, 100, 79, 14, 17, 15, 47, 69, 98, 31, 5, 67, 15, 74, 57, 91, 74, 36, 39, 70, 21, 8, 25, 83, 45, 99, 9, 55, 29, 8, 77, 52, 93, 74, 45, 100, 90, 66, 46, 69, 50, 39, 17, 59, 43, 40, 16, 74]
avg: 51.82383419689119 total: 193
crit per: 4.145077720207254 total: 8
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.5181347150259068 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 6.217616580310881 total: 12
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 2.5906735751295336 total: 5
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

ruorua 10
[93, 44, 56, 43, 36, 15, 46, 47, 60, 72, 26, 67, 24, 95, 82, 31, 90, 88, 70, 59, 91, 25, 33, 51, 86, 66, 62, 99, 83, 35, 15, 61, 52, 13, 48, 17, 49, 53, 73, 31, 60, 14, 35, 28, 8, 94, 89, 25, 65, 52, 4, 96, 45, 77, 23, 68, 14, 4, 17, 84, 32, 66, 50, 56, 46, 89, 71, 13, 90, 55, 87, 74, 94, 10]
[73, 33, 1, 48, 91, 2, 74, 69, 43, 70, 29, 84, 94, 89, 12, 94, 20, 44, 23, 46, 85, 67, 36, 8, 91, 17, 33, 29, 77, 50, 11, 17, 27, 47, 86, 29, 71, 28]
avg: 51.517857142857146 total: 112
crit per: 3.571428571428571 total: 4
crit roll per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 2
super crit per: 0.8928571428571428 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 1.7857142857142856 total: 2
fumble roll per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

ruorua 11
[45, 60, 82, 26, 85, 78, 54, 54, 85, 32, 26, 2, 26, 86, 87, 50, 11, 2, 40, 52, 74, 28, 47, 84, 82, 69, 77, 98, 84, 61, 43, 19, 56, 97, 77]
[11, 77, 42, 54, 36, 53, 73, 95, 16, 45, 66, 22, 48, 97, 69, 7, 84]
avg: 55.26923076923077 total: 52
crit per: 3.8461538461538463 total: 2
crit roll per: 5.714285714285714 total: 2
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 5.769230769230769 total: 3
fumble roll per: 5.714285714285714 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

ruorua 12
[89, 88, 100, 100, 74, 55, 81, 99, 11, 27, 1, 34, 15, 7, 7, 13, 11, 68, 11, 49, 18, 46, 37, 1, 64, 48, 21, 45, 21, 86, 37, 15, 26, 65, 79, 30, 82, 4, 26, 89, 30, 79, 81, 97, 17, 74, 23, 65, 23, 43, 62, 94, 14, 76, 5, 94, 49, 41, 1, 44, 54, 40, 22, 9, 43, 91, 84, 90, 43, 96, 30, 83, 20, 28, 4, 83, 73, 13, 80, 43, 68, 87, 72, 60]
[43, 82, 71, 78, 9, 26, 27, 27, 50, 92, 69, 60, 36, 26, 68, 79, 42, 86, 11, 85, 83, 38, 35, 47, 60, 82, 5, 47, 51, 94, 46, 90, 30, 87, 29, 67, 25, 33, 66, 100, 3, 6, 73, 72, 71, 12, 95, 38, 99, 34, 70, 87, 31, 87, 49, 31, 56]
avg: 51.09219858156028 total: 141
crit per: 5.673758865248227 total: 8
crit roll per: 7.142857142857142 total: 6
super crit per: 2.127659574468085 total: 3
super crit roll per: 3.571428571428571 total: 3
fumble per: 4.964539007092199 total: 7
fumble roll per: 5.952380952380952 total: 5
super fumble per: 2.127659574468085 total: 3
super fumble roll per: 2.380952380952381 total: 2

ruorua total
avg: 52.46456692913386 total: 635
crit per: 4.566929133858268 total: 29
crit roll per: 7.142857142857142 total: 10
super crit per: 0.9448818897637795 total: 6
super crit roll per: 3.571428571428571 total: 3
fumble per: 5.354330708661418 total: 34
fumble roll per: 5.952380952380952 total: 9
super fumble per: 1.574803149606299 total: 10
super fumble roll per: 2.380952380952381 total: 2

DKondo 1
[76, 23, 14, 48, 57, 16, 61, 18, 89, 21, 98, 51, 70, 90]
avg: 52.285714285714285 total: 14
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 7.142857142857142 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 2
avg: 17.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 3

DKondo 4

DKondo 5
[96, 63, 17, 12, 53, 39, 78, 7, 2, 55, 86, 62, 37, 67, 32, 73, 36, 92, 29, 78, 84, 2, 70, 31, 45, 83, 28, 94, 69, 54, 34, 50, 15, 68, 18, 4, 2, 34, 32, 33, 98, 14, 38, 83, 36, 84, 14, 70, 32]
avg: 47.61224489795919 total: 49
crit per: 8.16326530612245 total: 4
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 4.081632653061225 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 6
[11, 41, 97, 60, 75, 66, 98, 82, 24, 24, 15, 244, 66, 75, 68, 63, 61, 30, 65, 50, 83, 46, 3, 21, 85, 69, 34, 21, 29, 9, 52, 100, 49, 83, 64, 5, 34, 74, 93, 57, 68, 86, 75, 20, 45, 81, 63, 71, 93, 91, 42, 39, 35, 92, 37, 31, 84, 76, 1, 46, 69, 76, 45, 81, 80]
avg: 59.276923076923076 total: 65
crit per: 4.615384615384616 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.5384615384615385 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 6.153846153846154 total: 4
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 1.5384615384615385 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 7
[84, 28, 11, 75, 83, 75, 73, 89, 19, 6, 68, 82, 87, 74, 10, 8, 45, 67, 47, 97, 41, 84, 40, 64, 10, 35, 50, 91, 61, 90, 3, 98, 6, 37, 28, 6, 71, 23, 33, 82, 54, 19, 77, 89, 52, 68, 48, 40, 69, 52, 79, 3, 11, 37, 66, 64, 59, 10, 46, 86, 3, 45, 28, 57, 35, 14, 93, 30, 28, 30, 23, 46]
avg: 49.19444444444444 total: 72
crit per: 4.166666666666666 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 2.7777777777777777 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 8
[63, 95, 6, 70, 97, 72, 32, 39, 48, 85, 2, 81, 63, 61, 14, 54, 86, 17, 4, 32, 28, 76, 7, 46, 42, 81, 37, 15, 68, 100, 88, 57, 97, 9, 75, 93, 30, 19, 84, 92, 71, 46, 75, 91, 15, 22, 96, 66, 13, 28, 10, 94, 45, 24, 14, 62, 83, 8, 88, 19, 23, 34, 91, 47, 41, 55, 37, 29, 83, 29, 89, 93, 9, 12, 31, 68, 42, 45, 14, 28, 16, 72, 22, 11, 94, 57, 67, 84, 54, 93, 29, 65, 72, 75, 7, 8, 6, 82, 39, 8, 15, 38, 57, 84, 61, 70, 30, 50, 90, 53, 31]
avg: 50.22522522522522 total: 111
crit per: 1.8018018018018018 total: 2
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.6036036036036037 total: 4
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.9009009009009009 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 9
[85, 76, 12, 2, 52, 10, 11, 16, 57, 70, 8, 36, 3, 47, 30, 65, 53, 59, 40, 53, 9, 42, 42, 21, 22, 24, 1, 65, 100, 34, 12, 10, 38, 61, 41, 39, 7, 94, 11, 13, 94, 63, 83, 66, 99, 8, 94, 60, 45, 87, 46, 46, 40, 7, 38, 4, 74, 52, 34, 65, 89, 18, 38, 42, 46, 18, 11, 83, 34, 83, 52, 16, 56, 84, 27, 100]
avg: 44.38157894736842 total: 76
crit per: 5.263157894736842 total: 4
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.3157894736842104 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.9473684210526314 total: 3
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 2.631578947368421 total: 2
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

DKondo 10
[85, 77, 22, 27, 70, 82, 28, 9, 29, 15, 9, 32, 56, 44, 100, 19, 70, 66, 76, 86, 66, 34, 45, 35, 43, 94, 50, 36, 84, 7, 44, 88, 93, 89, 16, 28, 15, 78, 48, 55, 48, 42, 36, 76, 82, 91, 72, 24, 67, 23, 30, 50, 52, 21, 21, 43, 35, 31, 64, 94, 30, 48, 3, 10, 88, 15, 12, 25, 9, 99, 93, 91, 56]
[51, 84, 28, 72, 13, 100, 73, 88, 70, 95, 21, 14, 78, 23, 36, 39, 54, 34, 33, 20, 84, 26, 36, 57, 64, 89, 8, 26]
avg: 49.97029702970297 total: 101
crit per: 0.9900990099009901 total: 1
crit roll per: 1.36986301369863 total: 1
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 2.9702970297029703 total: 3
fumble roll per: 2.73972602739726 total: 2
super fumble per: 1.9801980198019802 total: 2
super fumble roll per: 1.36986301369863 total: 1

DKondo 11
[39, 52, 67, 55, 5, 30, 60, 46, 92, 54, 67, 84, 17, 48, 92, 61, 19, 8, 91]
[22, 69, 32, 88, 49, 34, 76, 17, 30, 27, 88, 2, 69]
avg: 49.6875 total: 32
crit per: 6.25 total: 2
crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

DKondo 12

DKondo total
avg: 50.02303262955854 total: 521
crit per: 3.6468330134357005 total: 19
crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 2
super crit per: 0.3838771593090211 total: 2
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 3.6468330134357005 total: 19
fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 2
super fumble per: 1.1516314779270633 total: 6
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 1

natsuo 1

natsuo 2

natsuo 3

natsuo 4

natsuo 5
[11, 64, 13, 57, 81, 30, 9, 62, 62, 37, 28, 67, 17, 64, 36, 49, 37, 75, 68, 31, 19, 61, 76, 12, 59, 3, 72, 9, 48, 30, 57, 80]
avg: 44.5 total: 32
crit per: 3.125 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

natsuo 6

natsuo 7

natsuo 8
[59, 21, 47, 34, 65, 43, 76, 19, 54, 18, 69, 97, 34, 19, 43, 95, 58, 37, 29, 78, 88, 53, 78, 12, 91, 96, 33, 52, 6, 9, 89, 17, 29, 36, 42, 63, 68, 7, 49, 10]
avg: 48.075 total: 40
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 5.0 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

natsuo 9

natsuo 10

natsuo 11
[20, 50, 62, 17, 87, 47, 20, 8, 22, 1, 19, 29, 75, 97, 84, 71, 48, 51, 21]
[65, 24]
avg: 43.714285714285715 total: 21
crit per: 4.761904761904762 total: 1
crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super crit per: 4.761904761904762 total: 1
super crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
fumble per: 4.761904761904762 total: 1
fumble roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

natsuo 12

natsuo total
avg: 45.86021505376344 total: 93
crit per: 2.1505376344086025 total: 2
crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super crit per: 1.0752688172043012 total: 1
super crit roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
fumble per: 3.225806451612903 total: 3
fumble roll per: 5.263157894736842 total: 1
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 1
[69, 2, 78]
avg: 49.666666666666664 total: 3
crit per: 33.33333333333333 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 2

†漆黒の堕天使† 3
[56, 95, 8, 72, 43, 3, 70, 57, 46, 45, 92, 69, 53]
avg: 54.53846153846154 total: 13
crit per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 4
avg: 96.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 100.0 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 5
[60, 61, 17, 89, 70, 3, 13, 12, 24, 57, 45, 1, 98, 71, 23, 36, 42, 46, 6, 29, 96, 49, 85, 66]
avg: 45.791666666666664 total: 24
crit per: 8.333333333333332 total: 2
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 4.166666666666666 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 8.333333333333332 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 6
[75, 42, 47, 12, 32, 8, 24, 42, 94, 28, 82, 1, 28, 15, 95, 9, 48, 53, 47, 13, 77, 9, 11, 60, 76, 93, 53, 84, 81, 48, 58, 9, 85, 17, 28, 60, 21, 22, 93, 54, 23, 48]
avg: 45.357142857142854 total: 42
crit per: 2.380952380952381 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 2.380952380952381 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 7
[74, 76, 43, 54, 30, 94, 83, 29, 86, 63, 99, 74, 2, 43, 72, 89, 100, 8, 28, 71]
avg: 60.9 total: 20
crit per: 5.0 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 10.0 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 5.0 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 8
[31, 33, 27, 33, 34, 36, 52, 65, 38, 49, 85, 14, 100, 8, 16, 60, 59, 6, 85, 74, 93, 32, 46, 80, 7, 16, 8, 38, 7, 87, 13, 3, 4, 97, 93, 39, 81, 45, 41, 62, 10, 64, 28, 58, 21, 31, 5, 43, 7, 69, 34, 92, 80, 86, 35, 84]
avg: 45.42857142857143 total: 56
crit per: 5.357142857142857 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.571428571428571 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 1.7857142857142856 total: 1
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 9
[70, 8, 10, 47, 73, 44, 64, 28, 45, 33, 83, 60, 29, 30, 8, 6, 34, 64, 83, 94, 73, 80, 4, 68, 85, 93, 69, 86, 85, 7, 16, 79, 88, 98, 90, 33, 73]
avg: 55.13513513513514 total: 37
crit per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 10
[56, 56, 34, 7, 99, 56, 47, 13, 74, 82, 96, 94, 22, 25, 91, 32, 33, 29, 62, 21, 33, 57, 34, 65, 92, 92, 81, 12, 29, 29, 93, 72, 67, 55]
avg: 54.0 total: 35
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 5.714285714285714 total: 2
fumble roll per: 5.88235294117647 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 11
[66, 35, 17, 24, 58, 12, 8, 9, 65, 98, 42, 70, 28]
avg: 40.92307692307692 total: 13
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
fumble roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

†漆黒の堕天使† 12

†漆黒の堕天使† total
avg: 49.92622950819672 total: 244
crit per: 4.098360655737705 total: 10
crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit per: 0.819672131147541 total: 2
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 4.508196721311475 total: 11
fumble roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 3
super fumble per: 0.819672131147541 total: 2
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

naoe 1

naoe 2
[21, 52, 9, 41]
avg: 30.75 total: 4
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

naoe 3

naoe 4

naoe 5

naoe 6

naoe 7

naoe 8
[65, 15, 56, 31, 35, 56, 20, 89, 61, 85, 79, 36, 32, 23, 9, 96, 91, 46, 4, 64, 11, 48, 77, 42, 91, 12, 74, 37, 6, 92, 1, 5, 79, 73, 17, 28, 74, 78, 11, 61, 48, 61]
avg: 48.07142857142857 total: 42
crit per: 7.142857142857142 total: 3
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 2.380952380952381 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 2.380952380952381 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

naoe 9
[64, 82, 81, 73, 97, 79, 59, 26, 62, 86, 6, 28]
avg: 61.916666666666664 total: 12
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 8.333333333333332 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

naoe 10

naoe 11
[61, 82, 44, 22, 91, 26, 38, 13, 73, 93, 91, 26, 46, 68, 86, 9, 2, 22, 85, 17, 58, 96, 42, 62, 99]
avg: 54.08 total: 25
crit per: 4.0 total: 1
crit roll per: 4.0 total: 1
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 8.0 total: 2
fumble roll per: 8.0 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

naoe 12

naoe total
avg: 51.04819277108434 total: 83
crit per: 4.819277108433735 total: 4
crit roll per: 4.0 total: 1
super crit per: 1.2048192771084338 total: 1
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 4.819277108433735 total: 4
fumble roll per: 8.0 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

shiranuik 1
[33, 63, 8, 35, 16, 49, 13, 95, 84, 38, 20, 40, 51]
avg: 41.92307692307692 total: 13
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 2
[79, 86, 74]
avg: 79.66666666666667 total: 3
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 3

shiranuik 4
avg: 19.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 5
avg: 12.0 total: 1
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 6

shiranuik 7

shiranuik 8
[25, 11, 78, 20, 79, 51, 3, 18, 66, 86, 21]
avg: 41.63636363636363 total: 11
crit per: 9.090909090909092 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 9
[62, 58, 56, 24]
avg: 50.0 total: 4
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

shiranuik 10

shiranuik 11
[96, 85, 36, 77, 65, 98, 43, 1, 86, 71, 49, 92, 3, 19, 19, 13, 18, 28, 35, 27, 12, 12, 73, 80, 69, 54, 54, 94, 55, 62, 6, 93, 16, 53, 58, 10, 16]
avg: 47.63157894736842 total: 38
crit per: 5.263157894736842 total: 2
crit roll per: 5.405405405405405 total: 2
super crit per: 2.631578947368421 total: 1
super crit roll per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 1
fumble per: 5.263157894736842 total: 2
fumble roll per: 5.405405405405405 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

shiranuik 12

shiranuik total
avg: 46.23943661971831 total: 71
crit per: 4.225352112676056 total: 3
crit roll per: 5.405405405405405 total: 2
super crit per: 1.4084507042253522 total: 1
super crit roll per: 2.7027027027027026 total: 1
fumble per: 2.8169014084507045 total: 2
fumble roll per: 5.405405405405405 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

Curosiz 1

Curosiz 2

Curosiz 3

Curosiz 4

Curosiz 5

Curosiz 6

Curosiz 7

Curosiz 8
[52, 86, 58, 98, 48, 12, 17, 83, 67, 36, 36, 59, 6, 41, 23, 28, 77, 33, 69, 39, 33, 10, 20, 99, 5, 28, 22, 87, 13]
avg: 44.310344827586206 total: 29
crit per: 3.4482758620689653 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 6.896551724137931 total: 2
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

Curosiz 9

Curosiz 10
[32, 58, 73, 15, 79, 5, 60, 91, 96, 23, 55, 54, 70, 10, 92, 2, 94, 99, 44, 79, 65, 53, 37, 18, 95, 79, 62, 11, 52, 75, 72, 60, 28]
[80, 67, 62, 11, 50, 83, 76, 35, 65, 33, 66, 23, 99, 97]
avg: 57.12765957446808 total: 47
crit per: 4.25531914893617 total: 2
crit roll per: 6.0606060606060606 total: 2
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble per: 8.51063829787234 total: 4
fumble roll per: 6.0606060606060606 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

Curosiz 11

Curosiz 12
[16, 98, 43, 60, 65, 84, 96, 79, 1, 36, 37, 46, 86]
avg: 57.46153846153846 total: 13
crit per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
crit roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
super crit per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
super crit roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
fumble per: 15.384615384615385 total: 2
fumble roll per: 15.384615384615385 total: 2
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

Curosiz total
avg: 53.0 total: 89
crit per: 4.49438202247191 total: 4
crit roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 3
super crit per: 1.1235955056179776 total: 1
super crit roll per: 7.6923076923076925 total: 1
fumble per: 8.98876404494382 total: 8
fumble roll per: 15.384615384615385 total: 4
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: 0.0 total: 0

脱脂綿 1

脱脂綿 2

脱脂綿 3

脱脂綿 4

脱脂綿 5

脱脂綿 6

脱脂綿 7

脱脂綿 8
[41, 5, 38, 94, 93, 56, 2, 15, 75, 70, 11, 54, 39, 55, 10, 24, 63, 37, 50, 28, 50, 80, 75, 42, 42, 5, 79, 76, 11, 81, 41, 1, 88, 54, 25, 32, 47, 3, 5, 32, 79, 64, 97, 98, 23, 53, 43, 85, 90, 68, 43, 56, 98, 99]
avg: 50.46296296296296 total: 54
crit per: 11.11111111111111 total: 6
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.8518518518518516 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 7.4074074074074066 total: 4
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

脱脂綿 9

脱脂綿 10

脱脂綿 11

脱脂綿 12

脱脂綿 total
avg: 50.46296296296296 total: 54
crit per: 11.11111111111111 total: 6
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 1.8518518518518516 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 7.4074074074074066 total: 4
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

一郎くん 1

一郎くん 2

一郎くん 3

一郎くん 4

一郎くん 5

一郎くん 6

一郎くん 7

一郎くん 8

一郎くん 9
[61, 48, 33, 94, 70]
avg: 61.2 total: 5
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

一郎くん 10

一郎くん 11

一郎くん 12

一郎くん total
avg: 61.2 total: 5
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

donsan 1

donsan 2

donsan 3
[19, 63, 43, 93, 87, 55, 62, 14, 72, 42, 60, 37, 51, 32, 52, 15, 47, 41, 62, 76, 51, 29, 28, 35, 98, 23]
avg: 49.5 total: 26
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.8461538461538463 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

donsan 4

donsan 5

donsan 6

donsan 7

donsan 8

donsan 9

donsan 10

donsan 11

donsan 12

donsan total
avg: 49.5 total: 26
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 3.8461538461538463 total: 1
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

うらみちお兄さん 1

うらみちお兄さん 2

うらみちお兄さん 3
[25, 52, 29, 62, 42, 21, 28, 66, 69, 67, 52, 1, 74, 16, 31, 55]
avg: 43.125 total: 16
crit per: 6.25 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 6.25 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

うらみちお兄さん 4

うらみちお兄さん 5

うらみちお兄さん 6

うらみちお兄さん 7

うらみちお兄さん 8

うらみちお兄さん 9

うらみちお兄さん 10

うらみちお兄さん 11

うらみちお兄さん 12

うらみちお兄さん total
avg: 43.125 total: 16
crit per: 6.25 total: 1
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 6.25 total: 1
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

くつひもごちょう 1

くつひもごちょう 2
[53, 20, 89, 18, 65, 39, 22, 33, 70, 21, 77, 56, 7, 81, 21]
avg: 44.8 total: 15
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0

くつひもごちょう 3

くつひもごちょう 4

くつひもごちょう 5

くつひもごちょう 6

くつひもごちょう 7

くつひもごちょう 8

くつひもごちょう 9

くつひもごちょう 10

くつひもごちょう 11

くつひもごちょう 12

くつひもごちょう total
avg: 44.8 total: 15
crit per: 0.0 total: 0
crit roll per: non data total: 0
super crit per: 0.0 total: 0
super crit roll per: non data total: 0
fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
fumble roll per: non data total: 0
super fumble per: 0.0 total: 0
super fumble roll per: non data total: 0


import openpyxl
import json
import re

map_user = { '<@UNHGMNTPD>': "みや",
             '<@UE6P69HFH>': "morin",
             '<@UE61E5MCL>': "nagashi_ma_w",
             '<@UE61RQ22Y>': "waku",
             '<@UEA258ZFV>': "ruorua",
             '<@UE63DUJJF>': "DKondo",
             '<@UE61TT47N>': "natsuo",
             '<@UF61NA3QF>': "†漆黒の堕天使†",
             '<@UE61G1FPW>': "naoe",
             '<@UE7ANFFN3>': "shiranuik",
             '<@UEXMQDRL3>': "Curosiz",
             '<@ULPM1G5D0>': "脱脂綿",
             '<@UJD85B6TS>': "一郎くん",
             '<@UGUNF44FR>': "donsan",
             '<@UGU0L67K7>': "うらみちお兄さん",
             '<@UF6NTM954>': "くつひもごちょう"

map_dice_result = {}
map_dice_roll = {}

map_d100_roll = {}
map_d100_result = {}

map_success = {}

for user, name in map_user.items():
    for i in range(0, 12):
        i += 1
        map_dice_roll[f"{user}_{i}"] = []
        map_dice_result[f"{user}_{i}"] = []
        map_d100_roll[f"{user}_{i}"] = []
        map_d100_result[f"{user}_{i}"] = []

        map_success[f"{user}_{i}"] = {"成功":0, "失敗":0}

for i in range(1, 13):
#    i += 1
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(f'mohikanzz/2019-{i:02}.xlsx')

    list_session = wb.sheetnames
    for t in range(0, len(list_session)):
        sheet = wb[list_session[t]]
        lst_exclude_name = ['シート1',
                            '20190223-vc (CGF93MVRT)',
                            '20190216k-vc (CG9TVNPE3)',
                            '20190216r-vc (CG9TVJ8LX)',
                            'ruoruaの部屋 (CPW8QGUF3)',
                            'sound-of-cthulhu (CM7TNM4H3)',
                            '迷言集 (CE64LMFSP)',
                            '名言集 (CMECTV5FT)',
                            '2019七夕卓 (CKW51N2QZ)',
                            'voicetext-lab (CM8900B55)',
                            'general (CE5JNKPEF)',
                            '20190916-被害者の会 (CN1VCNERH)',
                            'labs (CNCM21Z9T)',
                            '20190103-talk (CF60GHY8P)',
                            '2018年11月18日アイディア部屋 (CE6EZJT34)']
        e_flag = False
        for name in lst_exclude_name:
            if list_session[t] == name:
                e_flag = True
        if e_flag:

        n_row = sheet.max_row
        pre_json = None
        for n_row in range(0, n_row):
            n_row += 1
            cell = sheet[f'D{n_row}']
            if cell.value is None:

            map_json = json.loads(cell.value)
            if 'subtype' in map_json and map_json['subtype'] == 'bot_message':
                user_id_matched = None
                for user_id, user_name in map_user.items():
                    if map_json['text'].find(user_id) != -1:
                        user_id_matched = user_id

                        if 'attachments' not in map_json:
                        elif 'text' not in map_json['attachments'][0]:
                            if '[no preview available]' == map_json['attachments'][0]['fallback']:

                    if 'attachments' in map_json and 'text' in map_json['attachments'][0] and map_json['attachments'][0]['text'].find(user_id) == 0:
                        user_id_matched = user_id

                        if pre_json['text'].find("roll") != -1 and pre_json['text'].find("100") != -1 and pre_json['text'].find("100D100") == -1 and pre_json['text'].find("roll 100") == -1:

                if user_id_matched == None:
                    for user_id, user_name in map_user.items():
                        name = pre_json['user']
                        if f"<@{name}>" == user_id:
                            user_id_matched = user_id

                if user_id_matched is None:
            pre_json = map_json
        # if t >= 10:
        #     break
    if i >= 12:

for user, result in map_dice_result.items():
    for one_result in result:
        m = re.match(".*INIT.*|.*こんなコマンド.*|.*SET.*|.*setting.*|.*UPDATE.*|.*参加しました.*|.*command.*|.*pc_id.*|.*STATUS.*|.*セッション.*|.*DEX順.*", one_result)
        if m:

        m = re.match(".*name.*", one_result)
        if m:

        m = re.match(".*】.*?(\d+).*", one_result)
        if m is None:

        m = re.match(".*成功.*", one_result)
        if m:
            map_success[user]["成功"] += 1

            m = re.match(".*失敗.*", one_result)
        if m:
            map_success[user]["失敗"] += 1

for user, result in map_d100_result.items():
    for one_result in result:
        m = re.match(".*?\*(\d+)\*.*", one_result)

for user in map_user:
    ll_dice = []
    ll_d100 = []
    for month in range(0, 12):
        month += 1
        name = map_user[user]
        l_d100 = map_d100_roll[f"{user}_{month}"]
        l_dice = map_dice_roll[f"{user}_{month}"]
        print(f"\n\n{name} {month}")
        if (len(l_dice) + len(l_d100)) == 0:

        l_len = len(l_d100) + len(l_dice)
        avg = (sum(l_d100) + sum(l_dice)) / (len(l_d100) + len(l_dice))

        l_crit_dice = [i for i in l_dice if i <= 5]
        l_crit_d100 = [i for i in l_d100 if i <= 5]
        l_scrit_dice = [i for i in l_dice if i == 1]
        l_scrit_d100 = [i for i in l_d100 if i == 1] 
        l_fum_dice = [i for i in l_dice if i >= 96]
        l_fum_d100 = [i for i in l_d100 if i >= 96]
        l_sfum_dice = [i for i in l_dice if i == 100]
        l_sfum_d100 = [i for i in l_d100 if i == 100]
        per_crit = ((len(l_crit_dice) + len(l_crit_d100)) / (len(l_dice) + len(l_d100))) * 100
#        per_crit_d100 = (len(l_crit_d100) / (len(l_d100))) * 100
        per_scrit = ((len(l_scrit_dice) + len(l_scrit_d100)) / (len(l_dice) + len(l_d100))) * 100
#        per_scrit_d100 = (len(l_scrit_d100) / (len(l_d100))) * 100

        per_fum = ((len(l_fum_dice) + len(l_fum_d100)) / (len(l_dice) + len(l_d100))) * 100
#        per_fum_d100 = (len(l_fum_d100) / (len(l_d100))) * 100
        per_sfum = ((len(l_sfum_dice) + len(l_sfum_d100)) / (len(l_dice) + len(l_d100))) * 100
#        per_sfum_d100 = (len(l_sfum_d100) / (len(l_d100))) * 100
        if 0 != len(l_dice):
            avg_dice = sum(l_dice) / len(l_dice)
            per_crit_dice = ((len(l_crit_dice)) / (len(l_dice))) * 100
            per_scrit_dice = ((len(l_scrit_dice)) / (len(l_dice))) * 100
            per_fum_dice = ((len(l_fum_dice)) / (len(l_dice))) * 100
            per_sfum_dice = ((len(l_sfum_dice)) / (len(l_dice))) * 100

            avg_dice = "non data"
            per_crit_dice = "non data"
            per_scrit_dice = "non data"
            per_fum_dice = "non data"
            per_sfum_dice = "non data"
        print(f"avg: {avg} total:", l_len)
        if 0 != map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"]:
            per_sucess = (map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"] / (map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"] + map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["失敗"])) * 100
            print(f"per sucess: {per_sucess} :", map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"])
        print(f"crit per: {per_crit} total:", len(l_crit_dice) + len(l_crit_d100))
        print(f"crit roll per: {per_crit_dice} total:", len(l_crit_dice))
 #       print(f"crit d100 per: {per_crit_d100} total:", len(l_crit_d100))
        print(f"super crit per: {per_scrit} total:", len(l_scrit_dice) + len(l_scrit_d100))
        print(f"super crit roll per: {per_scrit_dice} total:", len(l_scrit_dice))
#        print(f"super crit d100 per: {per_scrit_d100} total:", len(l_scrit_d100))

        print(f"fumble per: {per_fum} total:", len(l_fum_dice) + len(l_fum_d100))
        print(f"fumble roll per: {per_fum_dice} total:", len(l_fum_dice))
#        print(f"fumble d100 per: {per_fum_d100} total:", len(l_fum_d100))
        print(f"super fumble per: {per_sfum} total:", len(l_sfum_dice) + len(l_sfum_d100))
        print(f"super fumble roll per: {per_sfum_dice} total:", len(l_sfum_dice))
#        print(f"super fumble d100 per: {per_sfum_d100} total:", len(l_sfum_d100))

    print(f"\n\n{name} total")
    if (len(ll_dice) + len(ll_d100)) == 0:

    l_len = len(ll_d100) + len(ll_dice)
    avg = (sum(ll_d100) + sum(ll_dice)) / (len(ll_d100) + len(ll_dice))

    l_crit_dice = [i for i in ll_dice if i <= 5]
    l_crit_d100 = [i for i in ll_d100 if i <= 5]
    l_scrit_dice = [i for i in ll_dice if i == 1]
    l_scrit_d100 = [i for i in ll_d100 if i == 1] 
    l_fum_dice = [i for i in ll_dice if i >= 96]
    l_fum_d100 = [i for i in ll_d100 if i >= 96]
    l_sfum_dice = [i for i in ll_dice if i == 100]
    l_sfum_d100 = [i for i in ll_d100 if i == 100]
    per_crit = ((len(l_crit_dice) + len(l_crit_d100)) / (len(ll_dice) + len(ll_d100))) * 100
    per_scrit = ((len(l_scrit_dice) + len(l_scrit_d100)) / (len(ll_dice) + len(ll_d100))) * 100

    per_fum = ((len(l_fum_dice) + len(l_fum_d100)) / (len(ll_dice) + len(ll_d100))) * 100
    per_sfum = ((len(l_sfum_dice) + len(l_sfum_d100)) / (len(ll_dice) + len(ll_d100))) * 100
    print(f"avg: {avg} total:", l_len)
    if 0 != map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"]:
        per_sucess = (map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"] / (map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["成功"] + map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"]["失敗"])) * 100
        print(f"per sucess: {per_sucess} :", map_success[f"{user_id}_{month}"])
    print(f"crit per: {per_crit} total:", len(l_crit_dice) + len(l_crit_d100))
    print(f"crit roll per: {per_crit_dice} total:", len(l_crit_dice))
    print(f"super crit per: {per_scrit} total:", len(l_scrit_dice) + len(l_scrit_d100))
    print(f"super crit roll per: {per_scrit_dice} total:", len(l_scrit_dice))
    print(f"fumble per: {per_fum} total:", len(l_fum_dice) + len(l_fum_d100))
    print(f"fumble roll per: {per_fum_dice} total:", len(l_fum_dice))
    print(f"super fumble per: {per_sfum} total:", len(l_sfum_dice) + len(l_sfum_d100))
    print(f"super fumble roll per: {per_sfum_dice} total:", len(l_sfum_dice))